

I spend many hours a day on my feet, training dogs, practicing martial arts, and dancing.

By the end of a long day the discomfort in my feet—tingling and burning, can become quite uncomfortable. However, since I’ve been using Dr. Kurn’s special cream (about eight months), there are some days where I don’t feel any discomfort in my feet. The level of pain is consistently lower, and sometimes not even present at all.

The quality of my life, by abating this pain in my feet, has been improved. I cannot say enough positive things about the effect this has had on my condition.

Once again, Dr. Kurn, you’ve been a great help to me.

— Steve Rose


I rubbed the cream on and the relief was wonderful. My wrist has had a lot of surgeries and I have metal in my elbow, wrist and knee. The inflammation and pain is relieved with this cream.



I have been using (Nerve Balm) for the past seven weeks. I deal with pain in both of my feet due to Neuropathy. I have tried many different types of gels, creams,and lotions. I apply the cream in the morning to both feet and have been experiencing little to no pain throughout the day. Nerve Balm is the best product I have tried, providing lasting results.

– Richard M.

I have tried your balm for the last week. I was a skeptic, but I indeed feel better. I would say that the pain that I was having is reduced by 50% or so… Surprisingly, much of the weakness that I have had in my left leg is better.….I am truly astonished so far by what progress I have made in a very short period of time. I will recommend that my patients give it a try as well. Thanks for your help.

– G. Boone MD


Nerve Balm glides on the skin smoothly and cleanly and, after several applications, it took away the nerve pain I had. I also have arthritis in my knee. I have been rubbing the cream on in the areas where it hurts, and it takes the pain away for over 4 hours.

– B Sterman


I am a 66 year old woman with osteoarthritis in my knees. My knees flare in wet and cold weather and after exercise. This salve has been effective in preventing soreness when applied before exercise and in eliminating pain for several hours when applied afterwards.

– J.C.


I’ve suffered neuropathy in my feet for almost 20 years. Prescription meds help for the most part. When I started using Nerve Balm for night-time flare-ups, a small amount helped immediately. But the best part is this: I finally followed Dr. Kurn’s instructions to apply the cream in the morning and at bedtime BEFORE the daily return of pain, burning and tingling. To my happy surprise, I became almost pain-free after only 3 months! And several years later, the burning, tingling pain of neuropathy in my feet is totally gone. Glad I followed his advice.

Gerry Sanders, Ph.D.

My lower back pain has been a reoccurring, debilitating problem that has plagued me over the last five years. I had been using ibuprofen to dull the pain, but the impact on kidney function was a cause of concern. I started using Dr. Kurn’s Nerve Balm at the suggestion of another family member who, though not using the product, had heard that the results were beneficial. Applying the product thee times daily over several weeks, I found that the discomfort was gradually reduced and presently, I am able to function normally.

– E. Boone

Dr. Kurn's Supplement Creams Nerve Balm feels great on my hands and feet. Having peripheral nerve damage, my hands tend to crimp up and get tight. When I apply Dr. Kurn's Nerve Balm, I can feel it penetrating the skin in a cool and soothing way, and my hands and fingers open up and become more dexterous and flexible. I would recommend it to anyone with neuropathy or tightness.

– D.F. (Patient with Charcot Marie Tooth Type 1A (Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy)

I would like to report that I have used Nerve Balm, Dr. Kurn's exclusive formula for several months and find that it is quite effective in minimizing the symptoms of my peripheral neuropathy including burning pain, numbness and cold sensation in my feet.   I have noticed no side effects. I have also recommended Nerve Balm to several of my patients.

– Isaac Gardner, M.D.

Both of my parents use it and it works for my dads nerve pain in neck and lower body. My mother used it as well for her arthritis in her hands and allows her to sleep better without having the pain.

– Justin Doss

Nerve Balm reduces the burning and tingling and soothes the pain in my hands and feet. I notice the relief immediately after use of the cream. My peripheral neuropathy was first diagnosed in 1998 and I take other supplements. I would absolutely recommend Nerve Balm to others suffering similar symptoms.

– John Duran

I’ve suffered from a severe strain and pruritus (in scapular area) since about 2012. I started using Nerve Balm and within three days I could feel a difference. Within a week I could feel a significant difference. After the second week my symptoms had decreased to about 20% of what it was before using it. At that point I went cold turkey for two weeks and my symptoms came back, but not 100%. Of course, after two weeks off I immediately went back to using the balm. My symptoms now are below 20% and I am finishing the jar.

– Denis

My husband suffers from neuropathy due to diabetes. After several attempts to find relief for the nerve pain with many products on the market, NerveBalm was recommended by our daughter-in-law as an easy to use,  natural product without the worry of side effects of yet another medicine. After six weeks of use, we've found Nerve Balm to have a pleasant aroma and it has been the welcome relief which my husband so desperately needed. The middle of the night stabbing pain in his feet is now gone and just a small amount of the crème is used each night.

Mrs. Virginia M.

I am a 66 year old man who recently suffered a right sided stroke. I am recovering from a stroke and using NerveBalm to help ease the pain from a right frozen shoulder. Easy to apply with a pleasant aroma. I use it daily and it has been working very well for me.

– Randy Olheiser

I used the cream and was extremely happy with the results. I was suffering from a shingles outbreak that no one could figure out what it was, as the rash had subsided but the pain had not. Upon using the cream I noticed that within 5-10 minutes I was experiencing relief. I used the cream 2-3 times a day for about 2 1/2 months, I only stopped usage because the pain and discomfort completely subsided. Thus far I have yet to experience a recurrence of any symptoms and if for same reason I do I will be ordering more of the cream. Thank you and I hope the cream is able to help more people suffering from nerve pain.

– Chris R

I don't usually write these things but I have to tell you your nerve balm saved me. Short story, a 700 pound steer slammed a metal panel and jumped onto my left side. Worst damage was the outside of my left leg between my ankle and knee.

For over a year the burning insane pain was horrible. The area was also numb, parts if it still is, but using your nerve balm I have relief. I can sleep. I can walk without having to sit every few minutes and rub my leg.

To say you saved my life is probably a little dramatic but I didn't think I would ever be normal and without pain. Thank you seems like not enough, but I wanted to write this note.
– Karen

I have had neuropathic pain for many years in my legs and feet. Even though the pain in my legs has diminished and is bearable, it is not the case with my feet, which has elevated. I have tried a multitude of so-called remedy creams with no relief. I learned of Dr. Sidney Kurn, who as a Neurological physician for over 44 yrs, created and sells a cream to combat nerve pain. I was skeptical. In waking up in the middle of the night with the pain level as agonizing, I applied his cream prior to retiring. To my astonishment and utter amazement, the pain was gone allowing me to complete my night's sleep. It has been a miracle solution for me and I highly recommend this cream to anyone who is suffering from neuropathic pain as I did.

- JF

After living with peripheral neuropathy in my legs, ankles and feet for eight years, I have finally found a treatment that has significantly reduced the symptoms – Nerve Balm from Supplement Creams. Prescription medications, including Gabapentin, were ineffective, and a CBD//THC cream provided only minimal relief. I have been using Nerve Balm for one year, and the improvement has been dramatic. The redness and swelling in my feet and ankles has completely disappeared. Burning and tingling are still present, but the sensations are much less noticeable, and they don’t bother me at night anymore. The sharp, stabbing pains in my ankles that sometimes made walking hazardous, have also disappeared since I began using Nerve Balm. I continue to see improvement, and I couldn’t be more pleased. Highly recommended! Thank you, Dr. Kurn, for developing such an effective product!

– Randy

This balm is just wonderful. It helps relieve my excruciating neuro pain brought on by my MS. It is smooth, soothing and has a delicious light fragrance. I am grateful to know about it and use it.

– Michelle P.

I could barely hold a pencil this morning due to arthritis in my right thumb. I applied your Nerve Balm and within a couple of minutes I was pain free and the crossword puzzle was at my mercy! Yesterday I used the Nerve Balm on both wrists and was able to join my group for a 40 mile bike ride. Full disclosure, I was on an e-bike but we were riding for 4 hours!  Thanks!

– Bob B.

I suffer from neuropathy in my hands and feet due to the chemotherapy I receive for Hodgkins Lymphoma.  It is painful and debilitating.  Dr. Kurn's Nerve Balm has helped daily to alleviate symptoms that interfere with everyday life.  Most importantly, is the night time application that calms the uncomfortable pins and needles sensation and the tingling.  It allows me to fall asleep which is very much appreciated.

– Lorraine C.

Have been using  Nerve Balm for 8 months.  My neuropathy had progressed to the point of affecting my mobility when my naturopathic doctor recommended this balm. There has been a slow but steady improvement in the burning and pain. Now I can feel sensation in my toes again  and actually bend them. The pain in my knees has diminished by 80%,  burning in my feet by 70% and my ankles seem much more stable

I apply two times a day, with a smaller application 10 minutes later. Have been very grateful for a product that not only decreased the pain, but also appears to be addressing the nerve damage.

– Nancy C

…the most effective topical for nerve pain I've used. I also find it more quickly effective than any specific nerve pain medications I take for post-operative neuropathy and allodynia on my right hip. Thank you for your persistence! Your Nerve Balm really works.

– Anonymous

Kurn's Balm has worked well for my recurrent acute shoulder pain related to chronic tendonitis and arthritis. This is the method I came up with: besides the compound, have on hand a roughly 12x12" sheet of any kitchen stretchy-plastic wrap and a hair blower. Gently warm the entire shoulder, using the blower, until the skin is pinkish, then apply the salve liberally with two fingers of a gloved hand. Since spreading it out can take several minutes the balm cools, returning to a more ointment-like consistency. To improve its dispersion, re-warm the medicated area, then slap on the plastic wrap, trying to cover all parts rubbed with the salve. Pain relief usually takes less than an hour. And the poultice can be worn all day to sustain its effect.

– JB

I'm 71 and my feet are beat up. Particularly my left foot, really both feet. They are callused and blister every week, so there are open sores on them. The ankles are bruised and swollen. My feet are numb, normally up to my knees. I am retired, but work at Albertsons as a cashier. On my feet, on the concrete all day. I have tried a variety of foot ware but the only thing that makes any difference is not allowed at the store. If I don't use you balm, I can go, say 2 hours before the on set of serious pain. If I use the balm I can go the whole shift before experiencing the pain. That's a big difference to me. Six hours of sharp, stabbing pain at work is no fun. So I use your balm. It numbs my feet, which is preferable to pain, which does not subside until well after I'm off my feet. And aggravates my feet more quickly the following day. So I use the balm. And put it on the bandages that I put on my feet every day before work.

– DD

Post laparoscopic hysterectomy, I suffer from severe allodynia over the right hip, iliac crest and surrounding area. I experience pain when clothing touches me. Wind and cold air trigger a sensation of cramping, stinging and burning. This nerve salve makes it comfortable enough to tolerate clothing and function for several hours without the normal constraints allodynia has on my lifestyle. At night, I use the balm on my right hip and low back, so that the pressure and discomfort of bed linen, is manageable.

Every person I know that suffers from orthopedic pain, nerve pain and/or any nerve related issues that I have introduced to this magic salve have reported significant improvement!

I also appreciate that the formulation has been modified and improved to become even more effective, during the two years that I have been a patient. (I find a warm damp hand helps to smooth the balm into the skin!) Thank you, Dr. Kurn!

– Kristen C.

After chemo therapy for Stg 4 Large B Cell Lymphoma, I have experienced neuropathy in my hands and feet and other parts of my body. I had several surgical procedures during my treatment. I have also been a caregiver to my wife who has severe allodynia after a hysterectomy.
I have used Nerve balm ever since our discovery of it for my wife's neuropathy. After several weeks of applying the nerve salve to her low back and neck, I believe it had improved the feeling and function of my own fingertips! Now, the neuropathy becomes less painful and apparent, every day.

– Mark C.

Good Morning, Sir! I just wanted to say thank you so much for the nerve ointment. Laura was having a rough night, last night, so she pulled it out to use. It seemed to help. The pain subsided and it allowed her to sleep. Thank you, again!

– Brian B (Spouse of individual suffering from neurologic Lyme disease)

I have had nerve pain in my lower back and hips, which turned into chronic sciatica, since I gave birth a little over a year ago. About 3 months after giving birth, the pain in my hips and legs was so intense I would have to take 2 doses of extra strength pain reliever every night just to sleep. Looking for alternatives for pain management rather than medication, I tried Nerve Balm when I was desperate for relief. To my surprise Nerve Balm is able to suppress my nerve pain when applied directly to my lower back. The balm relieves my nerve pain without the need to take over the counter pain medicine. My pain levels have decreased and I am able to find relief naturally.

– Jaime B.

I have had 5 spine operations, diabetic neuropathy, stemosing of the spinal cord and frequent cluster headaches. The pain in my feet and legs (thumbtack poke to knife/hammer on feet and toes) have kept me from sleeping for many years. I can only sleep 2-4hrs at a time.

I started using your Nerve Balm and I have slept through the night 7-9hrs for the last consecutive 4 days. This is amazing. And the extra sleep is helping me fight off the chronic pain. I simply put it on my feet when I go to bed and cover with a sock.

I am a professional touring musician and a composer/producer for film, games, and TV. With the added sleep, I am also more focused on my work. Ha - I feel like your poster child :)

– Kevin

I started using Nerve Balm a few days ago on my ankle. I was skeptical at first, but I was in pain from a sprained ankle 3 weeks ago. I had been alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen every 4 hours, well it basically did nothing. When I received the jar of Nerve Balm, I applied it to my ankle and the top of my foot. Before I had finished rubbing it in,the pain was gone. For me, 1 application lasts between 6 and 8 hours, depending upon my activity level. I have shared this amazing balm with my friends and family, they are all amazed how quickly it works. Thank you Dr. Kurn.

– JL

I purchased a jar of your salve for a dear friend of mine who has stage 4 prostate cancer. He has been suffering from terrible sciatic nerve pain for a very long time. The very first time he used your salve his pain went away. He is completely amazed and extremely grateful!! He made me promise to let you know how well your product worked for him and he expresses his deepest thanks to you.

– MC

Nerve Balm is very beneficial for my sciatic nerve pain. I rub it on my angle area, on my calf and hip area. Recently it has been very effective on a lump on my wrist due to arthritis thats causing nerve pain in my hand. So I tried Nerve Balm on the lump and wrist area and felt relief. I highly recommend this balm

– DV

“I’ve had chronic sciatica pain for about 25 years that comes from a herniated disk in my lower back. In the last few years the pain has gotten worse to the point of not being able to sleep on my left side to numbness and pain all the way down to my foot. I’ve tried many things to alleviate this pain, from CBD salves to yucky pharmaceuticals, such as prednisone, but nothing has really helped all that much. I’ve been using Nerve Balm for the last month or so and am feeling so much better! Pain is not completely gone, but decreased significantly where I can finally sleep on my left side, which makes me very happy. I’m hopeful that with continued consistent use my pain will continue to lessen more and more.”

Carrie Stillman, MA, NCPT

Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher & owner of Mindful Movement Pilates Training Studio

Dance & Pilates/Yoga Instructor, Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance Department @

Santa Rosa Junior College


Using to relief trigeminal neuralgia. Have used many products with mixed results including:
prescription hydrocortisone 2.5%, prescription cream (ketamin, gabapentin, & lidocaine).
This product offers me the best results, I recommend this product without reservation.


I am a physician, private practice internal medicine greater than 40 years. I  am personally using the nerve balm supplement for my finger joints with great success for psoriatic arthritic changes. I also get great relief using this balm for treatment of the rotator cuff in my left shoulder!! Especially helpful ,since I swim at high level in the US masters and swim heavy level of butterfly stroke! I am 75 yrs old. I'm a division 2 all American swimmer in the late 1960s., and in US masters age group 60 to 64. I regularly do approximately 3000 yard swims 3 or 4 days per week including approximately 1000 yards of butterfly. This nerve balm cream is so helpful to my entire shoulder muscle and tendon system, including rotator cuff and specifically the supraspinatus area!! Thank you Dr sidney kurn for this very healthy and safe balm. The molecular makeup is actively effective both anti inflammation and countering neuropathic pain.  I apply before and after I swim!! Excellent healthy and safe and proven!! Perfect timing in my life!!   MR

Dear Dr Kurn just had to tell you of my experience with your new nerve balm. I've been suffering with Rt low back pain extending down my right leg (I have a history of sciatica)...I've tried all my usual remedies: Advil, Ativan, every position & exercise I could tolerate...I even resorted to Vicodin which I'm not fond of...nothing worked this time. My husband Dr Martin Rubinger suggested I try your new nerve balm...I did, amazingly the pain dissipated almost immediately...WOW!

I had to let you know today & thank you. Your relentless research & dedication to your patients is so appreciated. 

Thank you, Rose Rubinger RN